New Year’s Eve Celebration

You can participate in as little or as much as you want.

All times are GMT. You will need to add add an hour for most other European countries.

Join us at 20.00, for meditation and metta​ and compassion.​

At 21.00 an opportunity to express fears and hopes for the world.​

Or​ say what event, personal or in the news, upset you in some way - angry, depressed, anxious ...

And what event lifted your spirits.

Take a break! The Hall will remain open.

At 23.00, a meditation on Joy and continue to sit till midnight.

After the Big Ben bells, we can take Refuges and Precepts.

Then an opportunity to make your own resolutions for 2024.

I shall have written mine on a card and I will place it before the Buddha statue.

How will you substantiate your commitment with an act? The same? Light a candle?

Then we chant the Metta Discourse.

I shall offer my usual toast: May the BuddhaDhamma Prevail!

So have your hot toddy ready!

If you wish to join, email me a few days before Xmas. ([email protected])

The Zoom link will be sent a few days before.