December Newsbyte

December NEWSBYTE 2023

Trust all is well!

Worryingly, people keep disappearing from the mailing list. We don't know why.
If you realise you haven't received a Newsbyte, please rejoin the Mailing List at the bottom of the front page.

All Past Tips

For calendar and assistant opportunities, see below.

Tip o' the Day

4th Maxim: Spiral to Freedom

Noirin Sheahan
see below

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New Year's Eve Vigil (on-line only)

An early reminder if you wish to join Bhante. 
Starts  20.00 
A mixture of sitting, sharing, chanting and at midnight Refuges and Precepts.
Email Bhante  if interested.
Details sent closer to the time.

Online Wintertime Practice

Bringing the Dhamma into our Everyday Life.

See full course description:  P.O.D.L.

Some Feedback from last year:

“I managed to meditate every day of the following week and found I had more peace, calmness and positivity in my day to day life.” — A.

“Practicing in daily life is more difficult than on retreat, due to all the distractions, so this course gave a controlled setting to explore this.” — T.

“This was a new and, in the end, very helpful way of meditating and it definitely had an effect in my daily life.” — D.

Noirin here, Bhante is still in Metta Vihara meditation centre in Germany for his winter retreat. Home mid-December.

We're now more than half-way through the autumn retreat, Hui having joined me for the final fortnight in November. She'll then lead another fortnight to take us up to 09 December. 

Myriad Organics, who have been supplying us with weekly veggie boxes for the past year or more, are pulling out of the business.  A real pity from our point of view. It was wonderful to have a reliable source of fresh, locally grown, organic produce delivered to the door. We minimised expense by buying only whatever staples were in season - potatoes, carrots, parsnips, beetroot (my favourite but second only to dandelions in Bhante's list of plants that the world could do without!) green beans, sprouts. Its back to the drawing board again, researching other options - luckilly both Riverford and Abel & Cole now supply to our area so that's a good start (especially as they both supply beetroot!)  Do get in touch if you have any suggestions.


New Year's Eve Vigil (on-line only):  An early reminder if you wish to join Bhante. Starts  20.00   A mixture of sitting, sharing, chanting and at midnight Refuges and Precepts. Email Bhante  if interested. Details send closer to the time.

Online Wintertime Practice:   Bringing the Dhamma into our Everyday Life. See full course description:  P.O.D.L.

Northwest area Satipanya Sangha: Anyone living in the northwest, particularly in Chester, Manchester, Liverpool and surrounding areas who would like to explore options for practicing together please contact Martin Ratcliffe who hopes to form a local group.

Regular Online Meetings:

Meditation Hall on Zoom:  Join us for your daily meditation - 06.00, 09.00, 14.00, 16.00 and 20.00 sits.  Info.

Satipanya Spiritual Companions:  An informal meditation group meets on a monthly basis via Zoom for a full day of meditation. Email Magda for details at  [email protected]

Zoom Study Group: 
This collaborative study group has evolved out of the fortnightly London and South East Satipanya Saṅgha which has been meeting via Zoom since the beginning of the Covid outbreak.  We are currently studying the Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta , as set out by Joseph Goldstein in his 46 part discussion on the Dharma Seed site and in his book Mindfulness: A Practical Guide to Awakening . We intend to continue this group on Zoom and warmly extend an invitation to any practitioner who would like to join us. Currently meeting on the second and fourth Sundays of each month at 10:30am - midday. Please contact [email protected] for further information. (By the way, please try again if you've emailed to attend and haven't received anything back, Carl has been particularly busy lately.)

Full Moon Celebrations:  Join 20.00 to 21.00 on the Sunday closest to the Full Moon. Bhante gives a short dhamma talk, followed by a 30-min sitting, refuges and precepts and we end by reading and chanting the metta sutta.  For date of next Celebration.   
Opening to the Impact of the Climate Emergency:   Following on from the Zoom with Gwen Sanderson and Bhante Bodhidhamma in September last year, there are two options for ongoing engagement:
  • Gwen Sanderson is facilitating monthly Climate and Dhamma Conversations which are held using Zoom . Email Gwen for further information or to register. 
  • Noirin Sheahan has set up a Satipanya Forum focussing on the Six Maxims (ethical training to prepare for the social and environmental consequences of climate change - see tip below). Contact Noirin for further info or to register.  

Karuna Book: Every morning at puja we call the names of those who are sick or dying, or are having a hard time.

Mudita Book: Every evening at puja we call the names of those who have something to rejoice.

Satipanya Courses

Coronavirus: Requirements for visiting Satipanya.

We are asking everyone to take an antigen test before setting out in their journey to Satipanya and not to come if the test is positive.

Vipassana as taught by the Mahasi Sayadaw of Burma

The Mahasi Sayadaw of Burma, one of the most influential vipassana insight meditation teachers of the last century, developed techniques to help us maintain moment to moment mindfulness from the instant we awake to the instant we fall asleep.

This leads not only to spiritual insights into our true, unborn-undying essence, but also, equally important, to the purification of the heart. So that we not only become wiser but more caring, generous, joyous and compassionate.

Applying the techniques on this retreat we follow a robust schedule, but meditators can modulate their practice to fit their level of experience, even absolute beginners. The accent is on relaxation and curiosity, rather than striving and concentration. And regular teacher contact, daily Q&A and personal interviews ensures students are supported throughout.

The retreat ends with advice on how to bring the practice into ordinary daily life to enhance our relationships and give spiritual meaning to our work and everyday tasks.

Assistants Needed

N.B. All the courses are serviced by assistants.

As assistant you have the opportunity to serve others. It can be a way of expressing gratitude for the gift of Dhamma. Although the morning is mainly taken up with breakfast preparation and cooking, the rest of day is for practice.

You can see the menus here (PDF).

As an assistant, we do not expect payment of the deposit or make a donation because you have kindly offered your time.

However, your commitment is essential, for the course would be very difficult to run without an assistant and may indeed have to be cancelled.

If you are interested, follow this link: Course Assistant

For info. about retreats and teachers see website:
See drop down menus: especially About Us, Teachings and Retreats

Would you like to come and assist on a course?

See calendar on website for up-to-date assistant need.

Satipanya Calendar 2023

The 2024 Calander will be available in the New Year, first course starts in April.


We have taken away all time restrictions on when you can apply for a course.
You can apply any time, but please only when you are certain.

Bhante's Away Calendar

4th Maxim: Spiral to Freedom

Noirin Sheahan

Following on last month's tip, I’m again looking at Dhamma links for the fourth of the  Six Maxims  designed to fortify us for the challenge of climate change. Instead of dreading what's to come, the fourth maxim asks us to see all such hardship as an opportunity for personal and spiritual growth.

The supporting Dhamma teaching that I've been looking at is the Upanisa Sutta , which traces the causes and conditions for liberation.  The first steps show how we create dukkha (suffering, stress) by investing our hopes in a world which is inherently unsatisfying. When our hopes are dashed, disappointment, rage, dispair - any shade of dukkha - becomes the catalyst for spiritual renewal, and the final links trace what has been termed 'the spiral path' from dukkha to liberation.

In a recent Tricycle course , John Peacock and Akincano Weber examine  the Upanissa Sutta and related teachings, stressing that all the links in the spiral path can be seen in ordinary daily life.  To pull ourselves out of dukkha and into the spiral we have a number of 'Entry Points' which I looked at in l ast month's tip . Here are some of the following links:
Gladness:   A moment ago, we were stuck in dukkha, now we’ve found a way forward. This naturally gladdens the heart. But surprisingly, gladness is easily overlooked. The 'entry point' required effort e.g. to do some good deed, to restrain angry speech. We can be so intent on these that we don’t notice the change of heart. We need to be on the lookout for gladness, even if its only momentary, to deepen our faith that there is a path leading from suffering to liberation.

Rapture: The background mood of gladness helps us engage, be interested in whatever is happening. This is what we mean by rapture. The word suggests an over-the-top joy, but rapture can be experienced quite simply as interest. Look out for this at the start of any activity you enjoy – as you step into the shower, take the first bite of dinner, meet a friend. Sometimes it can feel a bit giddy, we’re over-excited, expecting too much, sometimes mild, like a gentle uplift or refreshment.

Tranquillity: Rapture sets up the conditions for tranquillity.  This was one I struggled with until Akincano described tranquillity as that cooling phase in every activity, when the initial fizz goes out of it. True enough, once I investigated that slight deflation when some new activity lost its sparkle, I detected an inner relaxation underlying the more obvious surface layer of dullness. I needed to bring attention to the body for this, the mood of deflation still predominated in the mind, but within the tissues of the body, particularly the limbs, I sensed a quiet peace and ease. I realised that I had become more grounded, more settled within myself. So keep an eye out for any slight ‘downer’ when a new activity starts to feel hum-drum. Ask whether, deep down, peace has descended. I never knew disappointment could hold such treasure!

But don’t go straight for tranquillity and skip over the rapture stage thinking it’s silly to be getting excited by things. For tranquillity to have any depth, we need to put our heart into the activity while it still strikes us as novel and interesting. The energy of enthusiasm lifts us up, and that is the same energy which transforms to tranquillity when the novelty wears off. 

Happiness: Tranquillity sets up the conditions needed for happiness. Once I had detected and assured myself that tranquillity was really present, the mood of disappointment evaporated, and instead the heart softened. I realised I was content, happy. While tranquillity, for me, could be described as a bodily form of happiness, the recognition of tranquillity allowed the happiness to spread from body to mind.  

Unless I had looked for tranquillity within that deflationary phase when the fizz went out of an activity, the mood of disappointment would have remained. Note that nothing had changed in my circumstances to make me happy – only that I’d noticed and paid attention to the physical relaxation that happened as an activity turned from novel and exciting to hum-drum.

Happiness sets the stage for concentration, samadhi, which in turn brings forth the many fruits of the spiral path, starting with insight and leading onwards to full liberation. There isn't space to discuss these here, but I encourage you to investigate the earlier steps in the spiral, trust the fruits to ripen in their own time. When dukkha brings you low, find your easiest entry point to the spiral. Notice the gladdening of heart that happens as you lift out of dukkha; notice the rapture (interest / uplift) that comes with any new activity and the tranquillity that settles in as the initial buzz dies away. Steadying your attention on tranquillity, notice the quiet happiness that it promotes. Trust this happiness to lead the mind towards stillness and hence to a deeper understanding of the dhamma. 

Thus all forms of dukkha, personal or due to climate change, can spur us into the spiral path to liberation.  

If you fail to receive a monthly NEWSBYTE, please look in spam, or reestablish the email by filling in the MAILING LIST form at the bottom of the front page of the website.

Many thanks.

Finally , please forward this email if you know someone who may be interested. Thanks.


Directors  Jim Tibby  Richard Benjamin  Noirin Sheahan  Mike Regan  Gwen Sanderson
Limited Company Number  05924965  Registered Charity Number  1116668
Satipanya Buddhist Trust Satipanya White Gritt, Minsterley Shrewsbury, Shropshire SY5 0JN United Kingdom
T:  +44 (0)1588 650752
info:  [email protected]

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