Trust all is well!
All Past Tips
See below for the Tip o' the Day : New Year Resolution
For Calendar and assistant opportunities see below .
The new air source heating came on line for the course and is holding up extremely well. All used rooms are kept at 18-19 degrees so far, no matter how cold it is. There has been one disappointment. They hung the pumps on the wall of the upstairs Store Room so that the noise vibrates into Room 5. I could not have impressed upon them more the importance of silence in the rooms. They will come back - when? And we have no leverage. As far as they are concerned they have done the job - so more cost!
Karuna Book: Every morning at puja we call the names of those who are sick or dying, or are having a hard time.
Mudita Book: Every evening at puja we call the names of those who have something to rejoice.
Click for Bhante's Away Courses
The Calendar for 2019
Assistants Needed
See website for up-to-date Assistant need:
As assistant you have the opportunity to serve others. It can be a way of expressing gratitude for the gift of Dhamma.
Although the morning is mainly taken up with breakfast preparation and cooking, the rest of day is for practice.
You can see the menus here.
As an assistant, we do not expect payment of the deposit or a donation because you have kindly offered your time.
However, your commitment is essential, for the course would be very difficult to run without an assistant and may indeed have to be cancelled.
If you are interested, follow this link: Course Assistant
For info. about Retreats and teachers see website
See drop down menus: especially About Us, Teachings and Retreats
Would you like to come and assist on a course?
Scroll down to see where we need you.
Teachers: Click on names for bio.
Winter Mahasi
Bhante Bodhidhamma
Open for Application
Eight week roll-on, roll-off Retreat.
Start dates restricted to these Saturdays:
Sat 12 Jan – Sun 20 Jan : Sun 20 Jan – Sat 26 Jan Jim Tibby
Sat 26 Jan – Sun 03 Feb: Wendy Harvey
Sun 03 Feb – Sat 09 Feb Noirin Sheahan
Sat 09 Feb – Sun 17 Feb : Gaia Zocchi
Sun 17 Feb – Sat 23 Feb Mark Arthur
Sat 23 Feb – Sun 03 Mar : Sun 03 Mar – Sat 09 Mar Gilbert Altrichter
Finishing Sat 09 March
Open only to those who have at least one Mahasi Retreat
either at Satipanya or with another teacher
Alternate Sundays may be possible: 20 Jan.; 03 & 17 Feb.; 03 Mar.
You are encouraged to stay for more than one week.
Day Retreat
Bhante Bodhidhamma
Local Assistant : Alison Weeks
Kick Start/Top up
Sat. 16 March
Arrive 09.30. Finish 17.00
Please bring veggie food to share.
Easter Mahasi Retreat
Noirin Sheahan
Vipassana means “Seeing clearly”.
When we see the world as it really is, we will be free from the distress that comes from identifying with a limited view of who and what we are.
During the retreat, we relax from all our usual busyness to give our full attention to present experience.
We learn to see the world more clearly, and to disentangle the knots of confusion that bind us to emotional turmoil.
At precious moments, the heart opens and we sense what it means to be free.
Assistants: Needed
Sat 06 - Sun 14 Robert Narayan-Taylor
Start dates: Sat. 06, Sun 14 and Sat 20 April
Finishes Sat. am 27 April
The usual schedule and format – see website,
easily modified for beginners.
Buddha Day
Honouring Our Exemplar and Teacher
Taking Refuges and Precepts Ceremony
On Saturday 04 May : Start 10.30
Local Assistant: Needed
Morning Meditation
Please bring veggie food to share for
communal lunch at noon.
Ceremony starts 13.30
Afternoon Talk : Taking Refuges and Precepts : Procession
Tea and Biscuits 16.00
Vipassana : Metta : Bodycare
Bhante Bodhidhamma
with Bryan Lester, Reiki Master
Assistant: Ruth Wogan
Come Friday evening if you want to join in Buddha Day Celebration
Sat 04 – Weds 08 May
Towards a Right Lifestyle
The first weekend is devoted to Mahasi vipassana and metta /Loving-Kindness
and exercises that heal and/or invigorate the body.
After that, one can choose what to practise.
Discussion on how to develop the spiritual life.
Mahasi Weekend Retreat
Jenny Birkett
Assistant Needed
Fri. 17 – Sun. 19 May
The usual schedule and format – see website.
Especially for beginners.
Weeklong Mahasi Retreat
Guus Went
Sat 25 May – Sun. 02 Jun.
Assistant Needed
Sayadaw U Pandita's definition of Mindfulness: Mindfulness is the observing power of the mind, which clearly and simply experiences an object, without reacting to it.
We start actively to develop this power with the body as primary object. That makes it possible not to get fully entangled in the hindrances and to come to know something about them. Sitting meditation, walking meditation and daily activities are fully equal in importance. Gradually we come to know other objects of meditation, both internally and externally.
Practical thing: It is useful to take a small notebook and a pen, to make notes of observations after a session or during the day. This will be helpful to make the interview sessions useful and relaxed.
The usual schedule and format – see website.
Weeklong Mahasi Retreat
Carl Fooks
Assistant Needed
Sat 15 Jun – Sun 23 June
The Mahasi system can feel challenging, and its emphasis on moment-to-moment mindfulness can prove to feel
particularly difficult. Carl teaches a gentle approach to the practice encouraging a skilful and effective orientation
that helps practitioners to commit themselves fully to the practice and the schedule,
and thereby get the most out of the course.
The usual schedule and format – see website.
Summer Mahasi Retreat
Bhante Bodhidhamma
Assistant Needed
Eleven week roll-on, roll-off Retreat.
Minimum stay eight nights.
Start dates: Saturdays:-
29 June & 13 & 27 July; 10 & 24 Aug. 07 Sept.
Finishing Sun. 15 Sept
Celebration Sat 14. See below
N.B. Start restricted to listed Saturdays.
Alternate Sun. possible for Mahasi devotees.
A challenging Retreat easily modified for beginners.
See Beginner’s Testimonials on website.
You are encouraged to stay for more than one week.
Assistants : Needed
29 June – 13 July : Needed
13 July – 27 July : Assistant : Needed
27 July – 10 August : Assistant : Needed
10 – 24 August: Assistant : Needed
24 August – 31 August: Assistant : Needed
31 August – 14 September: Assistant : Needed
Sangha Day : Twelth Anniversary
Saturday 14 September
Assistant Needed
Please bring veggie food to share for
communal lunch at noon.
Ceremony starts 13.30
Talk: To be announced.
Weekend Mahasi Retreat
Carl Fooks
Fri 20. – Sun. 22 September
The Mahasi system can feel challenging, and its emphasis on moment-to-moment mindfulness can prove to feel
particularly difficult. Carl teaches a gentle approach to the practice encouraging a skilful and effective orientation
that helps practitioners to commit themselves fully to the practice and the schedule,
and thereby get the most out of the course.
Assistant Needed
The usual schedule and format – see website.
Day Retreat
Jenny Birkett
Saturday 26 October
Local Assistant Needed
Kick Start/Top
Arrive 09.30. Finish 17.00
Please bring veggie food to share.
Mahasi Monthlong Retreat
Noirin Sheahan
Start dates Sat 2, Sun 10, Sat 16 Nov.
Sun 24th possible for Mahasi devotees
Ends Sat am 30 Nov.
Assistants: Needed
Vipassana means “Seeing clearly”.
When we see the world as it really is, we will be free from the distress that comes from identifying with a limited view of who and what we are.
During the retreat, we relax from all our usual busyness to give our full attention to present experience.
We learn to see the world more clearly, and to disentangle the knots of confusion that bind us to emotional turmoil.
At precious moments, the heart opens and we may sense what it means to be free.
Assistant Nov.Sat.02 - Sat. 16 : Needed
Assistant Nov.Sat.16 - Sat. 30 : Needed
The usual schedule and format, easily modified for beginners.
Day Retreat
Saturday 04 Jan 2020
Bhante Bodhidhamma
Local Assistant Needed
Kick Start/Top
Arrive 09.30. Finish 17.00
Please bring veggie food to share.
The world is not in a good place.
However, there are times when the world situation fosters peace and prosperity. Such a time at least in Europe was after the Second World War. It took a while, but the new order slowly brought renewal, a new sense of purpose, an established peace between former warring nations and prosperity.
Seventy years on or so, we find the world in a precarious situation. Civil wars, the growing military might of China, Russia seizing old territory of the USSR, a proxy war in the Yemen, Syria, Palestine and so on and so on. Here, in Europe an increasingly dissatisfaction with the inequality of wealth, with immigration, the rise of the Far Right which borders on the violent. Then there is an economic system which siphons the money up to the minute rich elite and has no social responsibility, leaving the worker poorer or unemployed and the services such as health and education impoverished. On top of that, there is the impending calamity of climate change.
And we in Europe, small minute individuals, have no power to change anything and can only influence the situation at elections where we see little difference between the parties. So, is it any wonder that many feel despair, the more so if they have children.
What can we do to assuage the fear in our hearts?
It won’t come as a surprise that, first of all, we have to accept the situation as it is. To be as clear about it as we can. How easy it is to pull some comforting wool over our eyes. And then to receive it, no matter how painful.
However, we mustn’t allow the mind to proliferate into horror scenarios for this is exercising the very mental states we want to let go of.
Then there is the clear realisation of ‘what can I do’. Trying to get others to behave differently is a fool’s game. So, it’s down to us as individuals to take stock of what we can do and to tell others what we are doing so that by our example others may follow.
We can examine our own prejudices, accept them and work against them. We can examine how we spend our money, whether what we are buying is necessary and where the products are being made. Give some of our wealth to worthy causes. We can be pro-active in joining others to protest. And as for Climate Change, we can all do a little – even if it is just switching lights off.
When we know we are doing just about all we can do, than at least we can rest our hearts in the comfort of that knowledge.
To further lift our spirits, we can bring to mind the huge amount of work being done by Charities, NGO’s and other organisations in all the fields of concern.
It may also be wise to stop the continuous input of bad news and simply keep up with main events.
And finally, to practice Goodwill Meditation and bring to mind also all those who are harming whether consciously or unconsciously.
Many thanks to those to those who gave ideas for this Tip.
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Many thanks.
Finally, please forward this email if you know someone who may be interested. Thanks.
Directors - Jim Tibby Richard Benjamin Maureen Tibby Mike Regan
Limited Company Number 05924965 Registered Charity Number 1116668
Satipanya, White Grit, Minsterley, Shropshire SY5 0JN
T: 0044 (0)1588 650752
info: [email protected]